“I saw this collar at my local holistic pet food store. I was intrigued because it had a German Shepherd on the package, and the package said the plastic links were made of high-strength polymer. The store said I could return it if it didn’t work, so I decided to try it.
You are not supposed to slide the collar over the dog’s head, you are supposed to undo a link to put the collar on and take it off. That takes some practice, so practice doing this before you actually put the collar on your dog. It is trickier to undo a link, so make sure you can do this fairly easily. When removing the collar, it's easiest to unlink the end piece that says "Triple Crown"
The packaging refers to a website which has a lot of information about this product, including a free training video you can view online, information about properly fitting the collar, and product reviews.

Kerry Gives the Triple Crown Collar:

So have you continued to use this collar with your Husky? I have a husky mix and boy, can she pull.
I was thinking about a pinch but wanted to see what someone who had used a triple crown thought.
I've used head collars, choke chains, no pull harnesses and regular harnesses. She just pulls and pulls.
I just found this and (after having many discussions about these, chokers of any kin, pinch collars and such) I´d just like to encurage everyone who thinks about using any of these on a dog to really reflect about the reasons many countries have to ban these and make them illegal years ago.
The Triple Crown collar is specifically designed to be secure but humane for dogs that pull on the leash. The "prongs" are much smoother and shorter than the prongs on a metal prong collar. This collar does not pinch or choke - it evenly applies pressure around the neck, and because of the collar's design, it stays high up on the neck in the correct position. I do not like choke chains because they constantly slip down to the bottom of the neck, which is the strongest and least sensitive part of the neck. They also don't always loosen when the dogs stops pulling.
I've been using the Triple Crown collar for about 2 years, and it's fantastic. My dog loves it too, he has never expressed discomfort, and is always excited when I pick it up because he knows we are going for a walk, which he enjoys. He wouldn't enjoy walks if he were in pain or discomfort due to the collar.
Any tool can be used incorrectly, but that doesn't mean all tools should be banned.
When used properly, this can be a very effective tool when it comes to training. Try educating yourself on the proper use of these collars
False information- the triple crown collar is much more painful than a regular prong collar and the triangle MUCH sharper than a regular prong collar
Good to SeeDog Harness And Leash Set | Gifty Dog Store
Nice informative post Dog collar and Leash Sets
Thank you for sharing this informative post for Dog collar and leash sets i really liked it would surely buy for my dog
Tried it on my dog but she is to crazy for almost anything to work except the head harness.however I have to say the plastic prongs I feel are better then the metal prongs on the triple crown.
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